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Medina Sidonia and its wild cattles


Medina Sidonia is 3,000 years old, has been awarded the Andalusian Town Beautification Award, and declared Historical and Cultural Interest Property (Bien de Interés Cultura -BIC-) in 2001.

A visit to Medina Sidonia is a walk through History, discovering and learning among its streets, relics and traces of different civilizations, being part of the memory and the historical legacy of the town.

Medina Sidonia is renowned for its beautiful white streets, its balcony railings and windows, its genuine and delicious handmade cakes and its rich cuisine. This town is one of the most important historic and monumental sites in the province of Cadiz.

Both written and archaeological sources show the age of this the city, which has played an important role in the history of the area, due to its location and strategic location.

In Medina Sidonia, the spectacular landscape also gets mixed with the beauty of wild cattles and horses growing in their fields.

Cattles, as well known as Torrestrella, graze in these fields and the beauty of thoroughbred horses adorns every corner of the pasture.

To learn more about this beautiful picture, Andalsur has prepared a new trip to one of this livestock, which offers a unique spectacle in the best imaginable theater: the freedom of the Andalusian countryside.